Skivetikett Bellacord


As it is known many Estonian artists came to Riga to do recording for Bellaccord Electro. This cooperation started in 1933 and continued till 1939. At the beginning these records were made completely in Latvia. Closer to the end of 30s, when Bellaccord Electro reached strong positions on the Estonian market, Bellaccord Electro moved manufacturing of Estonian records to Estonia. It allowed to do significant tax optimisation. So you can find both Bellaccord Electro records with text "Made in Latvia" and "Made in Estonia", but all of them were recorded in Riga and Estonian artists mostly were accompanied by Bellaccord Electro orchestra.

Litt: Bellaccord Electro" kataloog. Autorite eraväljaanne. Säilitatakse kingitusena Eesti Filmiarhiivis. (H. Pedusaar ja R. Sepp, Stockholm 1991.)
"Bellaccord Electro" kronoloogia. Autorite eraväljaanne. Säilitatakse kingitusena Eesti Filmiarhiivis. (H. Pedusaar ja R. Sepp, Stockholm 1991)
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